Vorgestellt: The Staches aus Genf | Interview

The Staches Machine Cover


Punk Rock, Metal and oviously Britney Spears.


Mustaches? Nein, The Staches! – das sind vier junge Menschen aus der Schweiz, die ihren Faible für 60er Jahre Psychedelia und 70er Jahre Frauen-Punk teilen und deren Wege sich glücklicher Weise kreuzten. Bereits im Juni 2014 ist ihr Debüt „Machine“ erschienen und heute wird es – extra für Euch – die Premiere für das Video „Left Shoulder“ (s.u.) geben. Und weil das Album großen Spaß macht und Freund_innen der handgemachten Musik beglücken dürfte, dürfen wir zwei Alben verlosen (Versand nur innerhalb Deutschlands). Wer gewinnen möchte, sendet eine Mail mit den Stichworten Punk Rock, Metal & Britney Spears an info (at) musikmussmit.de. Einsendeschluss ist der 02. September 2014 // 16 Uhr. Viel Glück.

Das Interview erfolgte per Mail.

Who are you and where are you from?
The Staches are two girls and two boys: Lise, Charlotte, Leo and Martin. Aged 22, we’re all from Geneva, Switzerland, and we all live there.

3 Words or 1 sentence to describe your music.
Spontaneous, electric and eclectic.

What music did you listen to when you where 12/13 years old?
Punk Rock, Metal and oviously Britney Spears.

What in music business really sucks?
Promotion stuffs, staying hours in front of the computer more than actually playing music, people not taking us seriously and paying for everything.

How long did your debut grow until you were sure to record it?
Actually we went to the studio not really knowing what we were going to record, some songs were created at this time, though we didn´t really think about it way further than that.

How were the concerts you played in germany and do you come back soon?
It was awesome, we really had a good time and we played in amazing alternative places that really fit us and the germans were great! Fortunately we are coming back in October!

If the world would end tomorrow, what would you do and eat today?
Loads of drugs.

Your 5 alltime-favorite records are?
The Intelligence – Boredom and Terror
The People’s Temple – More For The Masses
Bob Dylan – Highway 61
The Velvet Underground – The Velvet Underground
Fat White Family – Champagne Holocaust

Anything you want to tell the world?
Activate yourselves and do be so serious.

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Ich mag Serien (Narcos, Ozark, Better Call Saul, The Crown, House Of Cards, Bloodline) das Tempelhofer Feld, mein Longboard, Flughäfen, Portugal, Senf, Jogginghose, Erdnusslocken, ausschlafen, frühstücken, euch und natürlich Musik. Hier kann ich euch Shura, Rhye, Rival Sons, Royal Blood, HÆLOS, MØ, Banks und SOHN ans Herz legen. Ich mag auch vieles nicht - z. Bsp. Fisch, vollgestopfte U-Bahnen oder kalte Füße.

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