Fotocredits: Olaf Hartong
Vor ein paar Tagen erhielt ich eine Mail von Saskia, Sängerin der Indie-Rock Band Labasheeda aus Amsterdam, mit einer Einladung und der Bitte, ein bisschen Werbung für das anstehende Konzert in Berlin zu machen. Da wir grundsätzlich gerne Musiker_innen aus aller Welt unterstützen (sofern es passt), habe ich die Gelegenheit beim Schopfe ergriffen und ihnen ein paar Fragen gesendet, damit sie sich bei Euch vorstellen können. Hier gibt es also mal wieder ein kleines Interview, ein paar Hörbeispiele und diverse Fakten, um Euch in die Musik der drei einzuführen.
Vorab sei erwähnt, dass Labasheeda am Montag, 11. Mai 2015, im Urban Spree live zu sehen sind. Wer also noch nichts vor hat und wem die Musik gefällt, möge doch dort vorbeischauen und kräftig in die Hände klatschen.
Please introduce yourself to all the readers – who are you and where are you from?
We are Labasheeda, an indie rock trio from Amsterdam.
What is the story behing the bandname? As I found out, Labasheeda is a town in Ireland?
Yes, our former bassist David, who started Labasheeda with Saskia, is an American with an Irish background. His grandmother or great grandmother came from Labasheeda. And it’s just a cool word.
5 Words to describe your music/sound.
Figurative, abstract, distorted, clear, confusing.
5 Bands that you can´t live without.
Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band, PJ Harvey, Sebadoh, Low, The Raymond Scott Quintette
Your new record “Changing Lights” is coming out on 18th of May – what can we expect from it?
It’s the first time Saskia composed a song on a viola (Spiral Song). We played it as an instrumental for some time and the lyrics were actually finished in the garden of the studio, while we were waiting for the engineer to arrive. We were quite suprised by the result. Our friend Sarah Malpass contributed backing vocals, which worked very well.
Why should we come to your show on 11th of May?
To see our new drummer Aletta! We did a few gigs with her in the Netherlands, but this is the first time we are on tour together. Urban Spree is a nice venue with good sound. And the bands we’re playing with – The Somnabulist and Vordemfall – are also worth checking out.
Anything to tell the world?
[Video mit alter Besetzung]
[youtube_sc url=““ title=“Labasheeda%20-%20Cars“ width=“560″ height=“300″ autohide=“1″ fs=“1″]
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Saskia van der Giessen – vocals, guitar, violin
Arne Wolfswinkel – guitar
Aletta Verwoerd – drums
Changing Lights (2015) LP
Listen, the Snow Is Falling (2013) 7″
Castfat Shadows (2012) LP
Liver Spots (2012) split 7″ with Wavezero
The Twilight State (2010) LP/CD
Circle (2009) 7″
A Few of a Population (2009) 10″/CD-EP
Charity Box (2006) CD
Weitere Bands, die wir bisher unterstützt haben: The Rival Bid aus Dortmund, The Dropout Patrol und [platzhalter!] aus Berlin.