Artist-Seite: Lola Marsh
Hot Facts
- Genre: Indie-Pop, Indie-Folk
- Herkunft: Tel Aviv / Israel
- Für Fans von: Acollective, Alice Phoebe Lou, Jane Bordeaux
- Facebook Fans: 54.051 (Stand: April 2020) // 60.580 (Stand: Mai 2021)
- Spotify-Streams: „Wishing Girl“ 21.124.859 / „You’re Mine“ 12.963.300 / „Only For A Moment“ 5.171.835 (Stand: April 2020)
Beitragsfoto: Ondrej Koscik
Mai 2021
Lola Marsh haben ihre Tourdaten aktualisiert (siehe Tourdaten weiter unten) und werden im November einige Konzerte in Deutschland und Österreich spielen. Ist das nicht grandios?
Juni 2020
MUSIKMUSSMIT hat das israelische Duo Lola Marsh seit 2015 auf seinem Radar. Das hat seinen Grund: Sängerin Yael Shoshana und Multiinstrumentalist Gil Landau beschwingen und beleben mit ihrer unverwechselbaren Indie-Folk-Musik. Die Mucke macht einfach Spaß. Dieses Jahr haben sie ihr zweites Studio-Album „Someday Tomorrow Maybe“ veröffentlicht. Wenn COVID-19 nichts dagegen hat, dann werden die beiden in der zweiten Jahreshälfte damit nach Deutschland kommen. Alle Tourdaten findest du weiter unten.
April 2015
Die Lolas dieser Welt haben es in sich. Wir sind ja seit neustem bekennende Lola Colt Fans. Diese wirken im Gegensatz zu Lola Marsh aus Tel Aviv allerdings fast schon unbequem. Als ich den Song „Sirens“ das erste Mal hörte, hat er mich sofort gepackt. Deswegen muss ich ihn auch hier mit dir teilen, denn das ist ganz großes emotionales Kino, wie ich finde.
Gegründet wurde Lola Marsh von Gil Landau and Yael Shoshana Cohen (und nicht Penélope Cruz) im Jahr 2013. Kurz darauf haben sich Dekel Dvir (Drums), Mati Gilad (Bass) und Rami Osservaser (Piano, Gitarre) dazugesellt. Die Band ist also relativ frisch geschlüpft und auf Anhieb so einen Kracher rauszuhauen ist sensationell.
Im Januar ist die „You´re Mine“ EP veröffentlicht worden, eine neue Single namens „She´s A Rainbow“ gibt es auch. Wir hatten Gil und Yael im Interview (siehe weiter unten). Die zwei sind wirklich zum Knuddeln.
Interview 2015
Im Plausch mit: Lola Marsh
Text: Corinna Sauer
Die geschätzte Kanz.lerin verliebte sich bereits Anfang des Jahres in die Band Lola Marsh aus Tel Aviv und ihren Song „Sirens“ und teilte ihre Euphorie schon in unserer damaligen Rubrik Tagesentdeckungen mit dir. Auch ich war direkt nach dem ersten Hören des eindrücklichen Sounds dieser Band und der unverwechselbaren Stimme der feenhaften Sängerin Yael Shoshana Cohen verzückt und ließ mich glücklich, ob dieser besonderen Entdeckung und voller Neugierde auf ein Erlebnis durch die Klangwelten von Lola Marsh treiben.
Es scheint tatsächlich eine ganz eigene Welt zu sein, die die fünf Musiker_innen erschaffen haben – klangvoll, bildhaft, farbenfroh vibrierend und irgendwie entrückt. Die Einflüsse, die Lola Marsh ausmachen, beziehungsweise bereichern, lassen sich nicht genau benennen, vielmehr entsteht ein Potpourri aus verschiedenen zeitlosen Stilen instrumentaler Musik, die etwas geradezu Cinematografisches erschaffen, innerhalb dessen Yaels Stimme fließt und tanzt und uns durch die Welt von Lola Marsh trägt.

Man kann sich also die Begeisterung und Vorfreude vorstellen, die uns ereilte, als wir davon erfuhren, dass Lola Marsh im Zuge ihrer Festival-Tour durch Europa auch ein Solo-Konzert in Berlin spielen würden. Ich kann nur sagen, dass ich es hiermit jedermann und jederfrau ans Herz legen möchte, sich die fünf Israelis selbst einmal live anzusehen.
Auf der Bühne entfaltet sich noch einmal eine ganz neue Energie, die überraschende Wendungen annimmt. Abgesehen davon, dass Yael, die Fee, einfach bezaubernd ist und sich dieser Zauber auf den gesamten Raum zu übertragen vermag.
Vor dem Konzert im Comet Club traf ich Lola Marshs Gründungsmitglieder Yael und Gil, die von Angesicht zu Angesicht weniger entrückt, als vielmehr unglaublich sympathisch daher kamen, zu einem Interview, das du hier lesen kannst.

How are you guys? And when did you get to Berlin?
Yael: We arrived yesterday. And we love it here!
Gil: Everything is like… calm.
Yael: It’s relaxed, but it’s not relaxed.
Gil: Yes, that’s it. It’s this combination and that’s what’s cool about this city.
Yael: You have the parks and you can sit and relax.
Gil: But then you get in the U-Bahn and it gets crazy and crowded and busy.
Despite the fact that you released only two songs so far – your album will be out next year – you are already very successful, people know you and your songs and you are touring and playing at big festivals. How are you enjoying your trip so far?
Yael: It was the most amazing time we had. It was a great honour to be playing in those big and distinguished festivals. Especially because the album is not out yet.
Gil: …and to see that people are singing the lyrics!
Yael: Yeah, it’s amazing! People already know the songs. Maybe they heard them on Youtube or something.
Gil: It’s a really wonderful feeling: to go on stage, play in front of all those people and to feel their energy. You know, this is really what I need and what I want to do with my life.
Yael: You write this song in your room and it’s really intimate and all of a sudden you are performing in front of thousands of people and they are singing the lyrics you wrote. It’s an awesome feeling.
Gil: It’s intense.
How and when did you guys meet and how was Lola Marsh formed?
Yael: We met four years ago through mutual friends in Tel Aviv. I heard Gil playing the guitar, he heard me singing and there was this immediate connection. It was like magic. And then he said: Ok, let’s work together and I was like…
Gil: She was shy.
Yael: Yes, I was. But I wanted to go for it. And then, when we had our first rehearsal, it was again like: Hey, this is something good. Something, we really want to do.
Gil: After this rehearsal, we started performing and writing. It was just the two of us back then. We were using samplers and computers and loops and an acoustic guitar and played small shows. And then we met Mati (Gilad), who is the bass-player and there was also this imidiate connection. We became close friends. And he brought the two others: Dekel (Dvir) on the drums and Rami (Osservaser), who plays keyboards and guitars. And with all of us together the songs, they…
Yael: …they got bigger. They got wider. They changed their colour with all of us together. Then at some point, we signed with Anova, our label in Israel.
Gil: We are performing since then. And we will be performing in October, November in Europe again. In Switzerland, in Austria and in Germany.
Yael: Yay! We will return to Europe in the cold winter!
Gil: Yes, that will be fun!
Are you sure about that?
Gil: Yes, sure! I want to perform in the cold winter in Europe!
Well, everyone needs personal goals, I think (laughing).
Gil: (laughing) Yes! This is mine.
I have to warn you that Berlin in winter pretty much sucks. Or let’s say, compared to the summer here, it does.
Yael: Really? Then you should come to Israel instead!
Yes, I really wanna.
Yael: Tel Aviv is a really great city.
I have a lot of friends from Tel Aviv living in Berlin. And I think there is this connection between those two cities.
Gil: Really? Who are your friends? Maybe we know them! Tell me names!
Yael: Actually, Tel Aviv is really small. Everyone kinda knows everyone.
Ok, so do you know… or let’s proceed for now. Your music is often described as Tarantino-esque. Can you relate to that? Are you somehow inspired by his movies or movies in general?
Yael: Yes we are inspired by movies. Wes Anderson’s for example. Or by Westerns. I think, what Gil would really love to do is to write for movies some day. Because something about our songs, about the world of Lola Marsh, is really cinematic. Books are great influences as well. Dreams, people,…
Gil: I think, there is a big connection between visuals and sounds – music. When you hear our songs, I want to hope, that you can see some visuals in your mind. I mean, I can see it.
Yael: When we write a song together, I have this story in my mind. I know how the song is supposed to look like.
Can you tell me a bit more about the songwriting process? Who writes the lyrics and how do you work together as a group in this process?
Yael: Gil and I write the songs, lyrics and melody.
Gil: But for each song it’s different.
Yael: Sometimes he brings the melody and I bring the lyrics, sometimes it’s like really together. But for the arrangements, the whole band works together. And the main producer is Gil.
As you said, you live and work in Tel Aviv. How would you describe the music scene there? Is there a network, connecting musicians?
Yael: We have a good scene in Tel Aviv.
Gil: It’s really evolving the last few years.
Yael: And it’s wide. You have everything: pop, electronic, folk, all the genres.
Gil: There is room for almost every kind of music. And there are great musicians there, very talented people and lots of close friends among them.
Please tell me a bit about your individual musical upbringing. What has been influencing you throughout the years and what kind of music inspires you now?
Yael: When I was a child I really loved musicals. I love old folk music, like Simon and Garfunkel and classics like Elvis Pressley.
Gil: I come from a more rock music influenced background and I liked a lot of psychedelic rock. Like Pink Floyd, King Crimson, all that sort of stuff. But I think every kind of music has been influencing us in some ways.
Yael: Yes. Even traditional Israeli music. Everything.
Gil: But I can’t say what exactly became parts of our music. I think, it’s more in the back of our minds. Everything is kinda connected.
I think, that’s one thing, that’s really beautiful about your music: You can hear different influences, you feel, that it comes from different directions, but you can’t really put your finger on it and say, this is this and this is that. It’s like a whole cloud of something new, where everything just blends into each other.
Gil: Great, thank you.
What are your next plans? Do you already have a concrete release date for the album? For how much longer will you be touring?
Yael: We don’t have a specific release date yet, but for sure it will be next year.
Gil: We hope the album will be out by the beginning of next year.
Yael: Until then we will keep on touring.
Gil: We will also be releasing more music and videos and stuff.
And, as the last question: Do you have something like a big dream as a band? Maybe you have an idea of where you wanna be in like five years from now?
Yael: I feel like I’m already in a dream. I feel really, really lucky to get to amazing places, to huge festivals. I hope, it will get even more exciting, but I’m already excited.
Great, thank you!
Gil: Thank you so much!

08.11.21 – FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Brotfabrik
09.11.21 – ERLANGEN, E-Werk Erlangen
11.11.21 – BERLIN, Heimathafen Neukölln
13.11.21 – BREMEN, Kulturzentrum Lagerhaus
16.11.21 – WIEN, Arena Wien
17.11.21 – LINZ, POSTHOF Großer Saal
14.11.21 – KÖLN, artheater Köln
03.10.20 – Berlin, Heimathafen Neukölln
05.10.20 – Hamburg, KNUST
11.10.20 – München, Ampere / Muffatwerk
13.10.20 – Frankfurt am Main, Zoom
14.10.20 – Erlangen, E-Werk
17.10.20 – Bremen
22.09.16 – Hamburg, Reeperbahn Festival
24.09.16 – Erlangen, E-Werk
25.09.16 – Bremen, Lagerhaus
27.09.16 – Cologne, Gebaeude 9
28.09.16 – Freiburg, Jazzhaus
29.09.16 – Dortmund, Way Back When Festival
21.11.16 – München, Hansa39
22.11.16 – Berlin, Grüner Salon
2020 – Someday Tomorrow Maybe
2017 – Remember Roses
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