Heute geht´s mal etwas seichter und gemütlicher zu – macht Euch einen Tee oder Kaffee, legt die Beine hoch und lauscht den Klängen des Komponisten und Pianisten Bruno Bavota aus Italien! Relativ spät hat Bruno für sich entdeckt, wie man mit Hilfe von Musik seine Gefühle zum Ausdruck bringen kann. Weil es ihm ein tiefes Bedürfnis war, diese Entdeckung weiter zu intensivieren und mit anderen zu teilen, machte er sich an die Arbeit und komponierte einen Song nach dem anderen. 2010 erschien seine erste selbstproduzierte LP “Il Pozzo d’Amor”, gefolgt von “La Casa Sulla Luna” (2013), “The Secret of the Sea” (2014) und seinem jüngsten Werk „Mediterraneo“, welches seit Mai diesen Jahres in den Plattenläden steht. Aufgetreten ist er bereits u.a. in der Royal Albert Hall in London und beim Iceland Airwaves Festival.
Nun kommt Bruno für immerhin 5 Termine auch nach Deutschland. Berlin ist derzeit noch nicht dabei, aber was nicht ist, kann ja noch werden.
Einleitung: Angela // Fragen: Corinna // Foto: Massimiliano Pugliese
When and how did you get into making music?
I had “already” 24 years and I started with a lefthanded acoustic guitar, it was natural for me to start making music. I immediately felt the necessity to tell something personal through the instrument, that day is totally impressed in my mind – from that time music saved my life.
You just released your new album „Mediterraneo“. What made you choose this title and in what way might it be the red line connecting your songs?
Mediterraneo is first of all an adjective for me, it means warmth, something that embrace us and has nothing to do with the sea. Mediterraneo is sharing, the natural act that makes us human. I thought that a title like this would represent my music exactly how it is, something familiar caressing the listeners. I live in Napoli and we’re familiar with warmth, the flame of the soul which keep us alive.
Your music doesn’t need vocals to communicate a deeper content and most of all – emotions. What does it mean to you to express yourself through arranging and playing your instruments?
Express myself through the music is the best thing that has happened in my life – I feel complete when I play piano or guitar, sometimes it can happen that I could cry when i wrote a new song, I feel alone but at the same time full of emotions.
What individual meaning does each of the instruments have to you?
I think that all the instruments can have the same meaning, as I said before, something that let you feel complete but I can affirm that the piano it’s my favourite one, it’s for me familiar, make me feel as I was in my safe place where I can live all my emotions without fear. It’s my faithful companion.

What are your musical influences and with what kind of music have you been brought up with?
When I was child, my mother usually used the radio to let me fall asleep – she let me listen to Tracy Chapman that for years was one of my favourite artists. Then I tried to discover other artists, and I felt in love with Damien Rice, his first album “O” and it is today still one of my favourite albums. Then I discovered some piano artists like Olafur Arnalds and Ludovico Einaudi, their sound totally let me blow away and from that time I started to loving the piano and tried to express my soul with my own sound. Two others favourite bands are Balmorhea and Hammock.
What inspires you apart from music?
I always love to link a song with an emotion that I lived. So I was inspired by all the things that happen to me day by day: dreams, expectations, contentions, tears, joy. All the emotions that are possible to connect to us.
What are your plans for the nearer future? Do you work on new songs? Will you be touring?
I’m always working on new songs! Yes, I’ll be in tour this fall, also in Germany – there are some dates already confirmed and more shows will be announced soon. Was a pleasure for me to speak with you and hope to see you soon.
Thank you!
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01.11.2015 Leuven (Be)
07.11.2015 Perugia (It)
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