Vorgestellt: SUIIX aus Sydney | Interview

Suiix - Hi

Vor ein paar Tage hatte ich Post von dieser sehr talentierten jungen Dame im Briefkasten, die vor kurzem ihre Single „Hi“ aufgenommen hat und diese nun mit Euch teilen möchte. Die Rede ist von SUIIX aka Sarah Jullienne. Die Single wurde teils in Sydney, teils hier in Berlin aufgenommen, gemixed und gemastered wurde sie letztendlich hier. SUIIX hat schon ein paar kleinere Auftritte hinter sich, einer davon fand im Madame Claude im Oktober statt. Was wir in Zukunft von dieser sehr jungen Dame erwarten können und dürfen, verrät sie uns hier. Und ich wette – wir werden auf jeden Fall noch von ihr hören!


Das Interview erfolgte per Mail.

Die Single könnt Ihr hier bei Bandcamp erwerben. Wenn sie Euch gefällt, macht es und unterstützt sie damit.

Hi Sarah, please introduce yourself to all people who don´t know you yet.
Hallo internet friends, my name is Sarah and I am a solo artist called Suiix from Sydney, Australia.

Is there any deeper meaning in SUIIX?
Suiix started off as a bizarre nickname, which then somehow evolved into its current spelling. I liked the aesthetic of how the letters looked together and the ambiguity in the sound of the word.

Do you write, record, produce etc. all by yourself?

Where did you meet Freddy Knop? 
I met him at his studio in Berlin a couple of months ago, he was great and helped me with some advice on the mix and did an excellent job of mastering the track.

Did you already play some live gigs? Where and how was it?
I’ve played gigs as Suiix with a full live band back in Australia at venues like FBI Social, The Standard, Hibernian House etc. They were a lot of fun and naturally sounded quite different to my solo show which is more electronic. In Berlin I’ve been playing solo gigs at venues like Panke and Madame Claude – they went well I think and the crowd was awesome and receptive to my songs. Berlin generally has a welcoming atmosphere which is why a lot of artists come here.

Is there any singer/musician you really would like to meet one day? Who? Why?
Bjork – she is just an amazing artist in the true sense of the word and she is a goddess.

Do you have any „big“ plans for the future?
My debut EP is almost done, after it is released next year I’d like to play some more shows in Australia and Europe. Then I’ll probably start working on an LP, I have hundreds of songs stored on my hard drive over the years that I would like to put out there somehow.

You are far away – is there any german music that you like?
Natürlich! Some of my all-time favourite artists are from Germany like Tangerine Dream, CAN, Jean Michel Jarre, Kraftwerk, Cluster etc. Then there’s more recent artists that are doing cool things like The Notwist, Pantha Du Prince and Apparat…

And generally, what german bands are well known in Down-Under?
I guess Rammstein would be the most well known german band? And everyone knows Nena’s 99 Luftballons!

First five records that you listened to in your life.
I grew up on a steady diet of classical music and obscure synth pop records that my dad used to play, so that’s probably what I heard first. My brother also subjected me to a lot of Michael Jackson and Rage Against the Machine.

Five records everyone should listen to.
Madlib – Shades of Blue
Kirin J Callinan – Embracism
Caribou – The Milk of Human Kindness
Maria Minerva – Cabaret Cixous
Shady Lane – Built Guilt

Anything you want to tell the world?!
Be nice to each other and don’t be a jerk! Also my new song “Hi” is out now and available to stream or download on my bandcamp page HERE.

[soundcloud url=“https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/167217302″ params=“color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false“ width=“100%“ height=“166″ iframe=“true“ /]


[soundcloud url=“https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/117594279″ params=“color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false“ width=“100%“ height=“166″ iframe=“true“ /]


Ich mag Serien (Narcos, Ozark, Better Call Saul, The Crown, House Of Cards, Bloodline) das Tempelhofer Feld, mein Longboard, Flughäfen, Portugal, Senf, Jogginghose, Erdnusslocken, ausschlafen, frühstücken, euch und natürlich Musik. Hier kann ich euch Shura, Rhye, Rival Sons, Royal Blood, HÆLOS, MØ, Banks und SOHN ans Herz legen. Ich mag auch vieles nicht - z. Bsp. Fisch, vollgestopfte U-Bahnen oder kalte Füße.

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