Supporting ENEST aus Israel

Shimrit ENEST Dan Lior
  • Beitrags-Autor:
  • Beitrag zuletzt geändert am:26. April 2020
  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Album-Tipps / Musik
  • Beitrags-Kommentare:0 Kommentare
  • Lesedauer:6 min Lesezeit

Alternative Pop mit Jazznote aus Isreal


Es wird Zeit für eine neue Vorstellung einer hierzulande noch recht unbekannten Künstlerin – heute möchte ich Euch Shimrit aka ENEST ans Herz legen, die eine recht interessante Mischung aus Jazz, klassischer Musik, Prog und Pop macht. Im Januar ist ihr Debütalbum „My Silent Past“ auf Bandcamp erschienen, im Juli wird es die junge Musikerin nach Berlin verschlagen, um in Europa Fuß zu fassen. Einen kleinen Vorgeschmack hört Ihr hier bei uns und wer sie gerne live sehen möchte, sollte am Montag, 14. März 2016 in die [Ofen] Bar (Hobrechtstraße 35) kommen.

Wer mehr über sie erfahren möchte, ist herzlich eingeladen, das folgende Interview zu lesen, das ich schriftlich mit ihr führte.

Foto: Dan Lior


How would you describe the sound of ENEST?
My sound is electro-acoustic. There are layers of synths and beats, with piano, harp and drums, and for some songs I’ve also written arrangements for a string quartet that we’ve recorded live, so we got a rich mix of different sounds. I guess you can call it alternative-pop.

Do you produce your music all by yourself?
I have produced my album together with the talanted Avichai Tuchman.
My live set is more electronic and a bit different from the album. I produce it myself on Ableton and play keys, beats and flute.

Is there a story behind your name ENEST?
The name ENEST is taken from Orson Scott Card’s book „SONGMASTER“ that tells the story of an orphan kid, who grows up in a galactic orphanage, where kids grow up and develop musically and spiritually. The most talented grow up to be „song-birds“, and are sent out to other planets to be ambassadors of peace and goodness. ENEST (originally Anset) grows up to be the greatest song-bird ever, who could heal a person with a glimpse, inspire powerful rulers with his singing, and make world-peace.

You come to Berlin in March to play at [Ofen] Bar (Kreuzkölln) – how did it come to this?
I am moving to live in Berlin this summer, and just starting to learn the scene over there. I’ll be staying in Berlin for a few days in March to sort out some stuff before the move and thought it coulld be fun to play a gig while I’m over there.

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Mehr Informationen

Are there more gigs coming up?
I’m moving to Berlin in mid July and I’ll be playing at Madame Claude on July 30th and several gigs in Israel until I leave there.

Many israelian musicians come to Berlin/Germany to promote their music. Could you give us some names of artists which are great and that we should have in mind?
Lola Marsh and Sun Tailor are two Israeli acts that perform in Berlin sometimes, and there is also the Angelcy which is a large band with a great sound.

What can we expect from your live performance? Are you an one-women-show?
Yeah, I play a solo act in which I sing and play keyboards, beats and flute. I use Ableton to produce an electronic sound and combine it with acoustic samples and some effects.

Tell us about your background, please.
I started my musical path in my early twenties, discovering the flute and Jazz music. For 4 years I was living out in the nature with almost no facilities and had the time and space to delve into the flute and deepen my inner search and practice. When I was 27 I started my studies in the music academy as a jazz flautis. During my 5 years there I discovered my voice and started composing songs. I was very much drawn to the guitar, even though I didn’t know how to play it at all. All the knowledge I obtained during my studies came out through my fingers on the guitar without thinking about it.
I’ve been writing lyrics all my life and when I started composing it was so natural to add lyrics and it made me realize that my true instrument should be my voice, so I started working on my vocal techniqe. When I was producing my album I decided to wirte the strings arrangements myself and it allowed me to come to full circle with my classic and academic background and really use all my professional tools to express myself.

What are your influences?
I have a wide range of musical influences, from jazz to old israeli songs, pop and avantgard. Among my influences there are: Joni Mitchell, Bjork, Florence and the Machine, Lorde, Paul Simon, Freddie Mercury, Bach, John Coltrane and many many more. Nowadays I listen to Blond Readhead’s „Misery is a butterfly“, Farao, Stromae, David Bowie’s last album, to name a few…

Where do you take your inspiration from?
I have always been most inspired by nature and most of my lyrics describe it. I hope my music will make the person listening drift into reminiscence of nature and the importance of keeping and caring for it. Being a mother also inspires me and brings other depths and resources for creating and singing.



Anstehende Konzerte:
14. März 2016: Ofenbar, Berlin
30. Juli 2016: Madame Claude, Berlin

Anspieltipps: „Back To The Circle“, „The Door“.



Ich mag Serien (Narcos, Ozark, Better Call Saul, The Crown, House Of Cards, Bloodline) das Tempelhofer Feld, mein Longboard, Flughäfen, Portugal, Senf, Jogginghose, Erdnusslocken, ausschlafen, frühstücken, euch und natürlich Musik. Hier kann ich euch Shura, Rhye, Rival Sons, Royal Blood, HÆLOS, MØ, Banks und SOHN ans Herz legen. Ich mag auch vieles nicht - z. Bsp. Fisch, vollgestopfte U-Bahnen oder kalte Füße.

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